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Social Studies Curriculum Framework (Grade 7)

About this resource:

Title en-US:  Social Studies Curriculum Framework (Grade 7)
Description en-US:  In Grades K-6, students develop skills and foundational knowledge in geography as well as civics, economics, and history. Grade 7 Social Studies provides a study of both physical and human geography of the world through a geographic lens. As students study the continents and regions across the globe, they will learn about the historic, cultural, economic, and political development as well as interconnections that occur in both human and physical systems of each area. During this study, students will develop the perspective of a global citizen, understanding that global-scale issues and problems are resolved through extensive collaboration among the world’s peoples, nations, and economic organizations. Geographic inquiry helps students understand and appreciate their own place in the world and fosters curiosity about Earth’s wide diversity of environments and cultures. Geography requires using spatial and environmental perspectives, asking and answering questions about global interconnections and spatial patterns, and applying geographic skills and tools. Creating maps and other geographic representations promotes the inquiry process and can be useful in making decisions and solving problems. This course helps students understand that thinking geographically requires knowing that the world is a set of complex ecosystems interacting at multiple scales that structure the spatial patterns and processes influencing our daily lives.
Publication Status: 
Social Studies
Education Level: 
Date Valid: 
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Author en-US:  Arkansas Department of Education
Publisher en-US:  Arkansas Department of Education

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