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Visual Art IV Curriculum Framework

About this resource:

Title en-US:  Visual Art IV Curriculum Framework
Description en-US:  Visual Art I-IV are two-semester courses designed to teach students to apply the elements of art and the principles of design. Students are expected to use a variety of media, techniques, processes, and tools to create original artwork that demonstrates understanding of aesthetic concerns and complex compositions. These basic concepts are introduced at the Visual Art I level. As students progress through each course, they will develop, expand, and increase their real life application of problem solving through artistic maturation. Students will create, critique, reflect, and make connections to art. Students will exhibit original artwork and develop portfolios that reflect their personal growth. Visual Art I will satisfy the one-half credit fine arts requirement for graduation. Arkansas Department of Education approval is not required for Visual Art I, Visual Art II, Visual Art III, and Visual Art IV.
Publication Status: 
The Arts
Education Level: 
9, 10, 11, 12
Date Valid: 
Repository Date: 
Author en-US:  Arkansas Department of Education
Publisher en-US:  Arkansas Department of Education
Local Subject en-US:  Visual Art

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