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Physics 20-30

About this resource:

Title en-CA:  Physics 20-30
Description en-CA:  Science programs provide opportunities for students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to become productive and responsible members of society. The programs also allow students to explore interests and prepare for further education and careers. Students graduating from Alberta schools require the scientific and related technological knowledge and skills that will enable them to understand and interpret their world. They also need to develop attitudes that will motivate them to use their knowledge and skills in a responsible manner. To become scientifically literate, students need to develop a knowledge of science and its relationship to technologies and society. They also need to develop the broad-based skills required to identify and analyze problems; to explore and test solutions; and to seek, interpret and evaluate information. To ensure relevance to students as well as to societal needs, a science program must present science in a meaningful context—providing opportunities for students to explore the process of science, its applications and implications, and to examine related technological problems and issues. By doing so, students become aware of the role of science in responding to social and cultural change and in meeting needs for a sustainable environment, economy and society
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Education Level: 
11, 12
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